Sweet moments with family and friends cannot be conjured up - but they can be baked! Whether birthday cakes for the little ones, muffins for your colleagues, cakes or cookies - here you will find everything you need to bake your own favorite moments!


For Baking and Decorating

Here you will find a complete overview of our sugar products for baking, decorating, and refining – your sweet creations will turn out perfect!

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A sweet latte for breakfast, a cup of tea in a quiet moment, a home-made liqueur or a delicious cocktail shared with friends – sweeten your life whenever and however you like!


Sweet your day the easy way

The right sugar for any drink: Coffee sugar and sugar cubes for your morning brew, rock sugar and tea sugar for afternoon tea and cane sugar for evening cocktails.

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Sweet hours can be really enjoyed with homemade fruit spreads. Whether marmalade, jam or jelly - with our sugar specialties you can make anything you like. And your family. And your friends. At breakfast and whenever you want it to be fruity and sweet!


Gelling & Preserving

Homemade always tastes best. In our large assortment of jam sugar and preserving sugar you will always find the right thing for your sweet ideas.

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